I Feel Depressed

Looking for depression treatment in South Florida?

I help depression sufferers:

  • Work on self esteem and self worth issues that contribute to depression
  • Reduce harmful behaviors and replace them with healthy ones
  • Address emotional baggage that contributes to feelings of sadness
  • Build upon current strengths to help become your best self

Do you remember those commercials that said “Depression hurts”?  Being seeing me, your South Florida depression therapist, I can help you reduce your feelings of depression.  We will work together in order to get you moving again in your life.  Even though you probably don’t feel like it, you need to get back into the groove of your life and I can help you with that.  We will work on identifying the exact type of life you want to lead and we will develop a plan of small and big steps for you to get there.  One of my main treatments for depression is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  You will learn how to get better control over your thoughts and feelings.  We will discuss how you can use a journal to help with your depression.  We will discuss the factors and triggers in your life that lead you to feel depressed.  I will provide you with coping skills that you can use in order to reduce your depression.


If you are a parent of a depressed teenager or young adult, please call me today.  I work with teenagers and young adults to overcome their depression and I’ve seen some amazing results.  I’ve seen my clients go on to get the jobs of their dreams, attend college, get into healthy relationships, overcome their depression and go on to lead an amazing life.  It’s very difficult to watch a family member go through depression and with the right therapist, you won’t have to do that anymore.  As a South Florida depression therapist, I have extensive knowledge and experience in helping families just like yours that want to go back to being healthy, happy and connected.

To read more about how to manage when your teenager is depressed, read my blogpost here all about it.

Request an Appointment Today!

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